VA Community Care & Veterans Choice Program News!

There have been many changes recently revolving around the VA Community Care program. Some people were worried that funding was going to be cut for the program this year. So you can imagine our delight when we discovered that according to a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) news release dated May 23, 2017, the VA stated that the White House administration in its 2018 fiscal year budget is proposing $186.5 billion for the VA.
VA Secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin also stated that the budget request will ensure the nation’s Veterans receive high-quality health care and timely access to benefits and services. Secretary Shulkin added that "the budget supports the continued transformation of the VA to rebuild the full trust of Veterans as a premier provider of choice for their services and benefits".
Encouraging words to be sure, but where will all those dollars go?
Here's a quick break down of how funds are distributed in the budget proposal:
$13.2 billion for community care
$8.8 billion for long-term care
$8.4 billion for mental health care
$1.7 billion for programs for homeless and at-risk Veterans
$751 million for Hepatitis-C treatment
$604 million for Caregivers’ benefits
$316 million for treatment of traumatic brain injuries
We couldn't be more delighted at the news that Community Care programs will continue to receive the funds needed to provide Alaska Veterans with care when and where they need it within their own communities.
These funds are crucial in fulfilling President Lincoln's promise to “ for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and advocating for the men and women who are America’s Veterans through the VA and and the Community Care program.
Below is a short 3 min video outlining the incredible transformation that is underway that promises to simplify and redefine the way we care for our nations Veterans through evolving Community Care projects.
As a local community contracted Choice Program provider and committed Veterans advocate, Avé Holistic Health & Chiropractic supports the continued funding for the VA and the Community Care program.
It's a privilege here at Avé Chiropractic to work hand in hand with the outstanding professionals at our local Anchorage VA Hospital. They make it easy for us to serve and provide care to our local Veterans. The Integrative Care team members in Anchorage work tirelessly to ensure quality and timely care for all of Alaska's Veterans and their families.
So here's a shout out to all of the dedicated local VA staff:
"Thank You for Your Service"